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“gender based violence is no joke”: saturday february 16 scholars from DIRPOLIS (law, POLITICs and development) institute participate in a meeting organised by FONDAZIONE CARNEVALE VIAREGGIO

Publication date: 10.02.2019
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The “Violence against women is no joke” meeting will be held in Viareggio (Lucca) Grand Hotel Principe di Piemonte at 3.30 pm on Saturday, February 16. Professor Anna Loretoni (Political Philosophy) and Professor Gaetana Morgante (Criminal Law) from Sant’Anna School Dirpolis Institute will share and discuss the results of their studies on women’s social movements and gender-based violence. The meeting is an opportunity to discuss collective solutions to end violence and abuse against women. Currently, as the incidence of gender violence is increasing, the Carnevale di Viareggio 2019 event organised by the Fondazione Carnevale di Viareggio association chose to raise social awareness about the role played by women throughout the cultures and society to cast a new light on the values of the female essence.

Il Tirreno” journalist Ilaria Bonuccelli, Valentina Bonini (researcher, Pisa University) Vittoria Doretti (person in charge for the U.O. Educazione e Promozione alla Salute, Task Force Codice Rosa Asl 9 Procura della Repubblica), Paola Di Nicola (judge who has been nominated for the Women Inspiring Europe 2014 - European Institute for Gender Equality),  Ersilia Raffaelli, president of the “Casa delle donne” –Viareggio, will join Anna Loretoni and Gaetana Morgante, to provide the perspective of women with extensive experience in managing and enacting policy, values and culture that support eliminating gender bias in law enforcement response and investigations.

At the end of the meeting, the document “Carta di Viareggio” will be released to outline ways in which academia and institutions can improve the response to victims of violence and provide guidelines for engagement and interventions in the community beyond the local context.